The purpose of an energy audit is to identify whether your building wastes energy, and to pinpoint where energy is being lost so you can evaluate what measures you can take to make your building more energy efficient.
We provide ASHRAE level 1 (Preliminary audit), level 2 (Energy survey and analysis) and level 3 (Detailed energy audit).
- Chiller plant system
- Lighting system
- Air distribution system
- Mechanical ventilation system
- Process system
- Compressed air system
- Electric motors and drives
- Steam system
- Heat recovery
- Renewable energy applications
- Solar energy feasibility study
- Best façade design to reduce heat gain into the building
A recent worldwide energy study estimated the world energy consumption will grow by 50% between 2010 and 2040.
Energy management is the foundation for saving energy at your organization level. A recent worldwide energy study estimated the world energy consumption will grow by 50% between 2010 and 2040. Energy management is the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption to conserve usage in a building.
There are few steps for the process of energy management:
- Collecting and analyzing continuous data. Data can be obtained from your monthly utility bills, from daily log sheet, from existing meters at the site and from external metering devices. Analysing 12 months utility bill gives a better understanding of the building operation and performance. The more data you can get, and the more detailed it is, the better.
- Identify potential energy opportunities in various equipment to improve its energy efficiency – A detailed engineering study on each equipment provides its current performance and opportunities for further improvement.
- Propose a right solution for efficiency improvement
- Calculate return on investment (ROI).
- Implement energy optimization solutions.
- Monitor the system performance continuously.
- Calculate the amount of energy being used at the site
- Calculate the amount of CO2 emissions
- Provide a feasible solution to reduce the carbon emissions
Green mark exercise provides a detailed assessment on the building’s energy, water and material resource usage and provides a clear direction for continual improvement.
We provide BCA Green Mark Certification
- Certified
- Gold
- Gold Plus
- Platinum
- Super Low Energy Building

It is important to have good indoor air quality throughout a building so as to ensure the comfort conditions and health of occupants.
We provide indoor air quality audit services as stated in SS554:2016.
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
- Formaldehyde (HCHO)
- Respirable suspended particulate measurement (PM2.5)
- Air velocity
- Temperature and relative humidity
- Total Viable Bacterial Count (TBC)
- Total Viable Mould Count (TMC)
Measurement & Verification provides an overview of current best practice techniques available for verifying results of energy efficiency, water efficiency and renewable energy projects
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it– H. James Harrington
We provide measurement of the following parameters and verify the accuracy of your existing instruments.
- Chilled water flow measurement
- Chilled water and condenser water temperature measurement
- Chiller, pumps and cooling tower power measurement
- Air flow velocity and air flow rate
Building’s Mechanical and Electrical systems are most expensive and complicated. It needs a systematic maintenance to keeping the performance upright.
We provide guaranteed
- Chiller efficiency (kW/RT)
- Pump efficiency (kW/RT)
- Cooling tower efficiency (kW/RT)
- Air distribution system efficiency (kW/RT or W/CMH)
- Lighting power budget (W/m2)
- M&V system power budget (W/m2)